Thursday, October 9, 2008


Podcasting is a very handy tool. If like me you are busy, let's face it who isn't? I often miss a tv program and then remember a few days later that I missed out.

Podcasting is a very handy way to listen to or watch a program if it is available as a podcast. By subscribing to it to your reader, you can listen to your program at a time and place that suits you. Radio and tv programs are available to watch and make for efficient time management.

I listened to Andrew Denton's Enough Rope with hunky William McInnes - he is very easy on the eye and worth watching more than once! Yes, podcasting is for me and maybe for you too!

1 comment:

Leanne ~ Book Lover said...

Hi Blissful girl, I have tagged your blog. To see the rules look at my blog. There is no obligation, just a bit of fun.