Thursday, September 25, 2008

Encore & Library 2.0

I was fortunate enough to have a play around with Encore when it was first introduced. I loved the colours, the interaction, the "did you mean" feature and the relevancy and ranking of words and related topics. They say that a picture says a thousand words and this is true ofEncore. Having the book covers shown is also very handy. I loved the feel and layout of it and have shown many students these features.

The tagging effect is also a feature that will encourage users to participate and we as the Information Professionals need to balance the need for participation and privacy inorder to feel comfortable with all that Library 2.0 offers. I am looking forward to when Encore becomes fully operational - I understand that there is a logistical problem at the moment and hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Letting our students know how relevant our collection is to their needs is one way of getting them to participate and for all of us to embrace Library 2.0. It really is the way of the future.

Now, for the Encore!

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